What We all Want…


See if this rings true. When you began that first career/life in your early twenties, you didn’t know what you didn’t know. 

  • Your world was small.

  • Maybe you didn’t appreciate yourself very well yet.

  • You didn’t yet recognize what you really wanted from life.

Like a lot of folks, maybe you leaned on the advice of others––parents, academic advisors, friends, and others. It was all well-intentioned advice of course, and you were grateful.

So you played along, in many cases believing things would ultimately work out in our favor. You’d eventually accumulate enough money or power to attain the things you really wanted. It must be the best path to real happiness you reasoned, because everyone else is doing it. And to be fair, it does seem to work for some. But don’t you wonder if, at some point, other folks think about what else is out there?

We all made choices, and those choices had unintended consequences. Over time, maybe our chosen path seemed less like the path to happiness and more like the trail to Numbsville. Yet we stayed. Maybe it was the money. Maybe it was the dread of disappointing others. So we developed coping mechanisms. Alcohol. Netflix. Video games. Porn. We started to indulge escapist fantasies. Finally, one day we discovered these attempts to medicate the misery were as miserable as the misery we were trying to medicate in the first place!

I’ve heard some version of this story a hundred times, now. Enough to believe that a lot of people feel they’ve invested a lot of years on the wrong path to the wrong destination. Yet there is an upside to that first life. Your success has brought you to the place that you know it’s time for a change. 

At Second Rodeo, we are all about 

  • The life do-over

  • The satisfaction upgrade

  • The Re-org of You

We believe happiness is not the by-product of consumerism or indulging every desire. It sneaks up on us when we build a sustainable life where our authentic self is engaged in the things that create meaning and purpose. 

We have no idea what you really want out of life. But we can help you figure it out. We’ll create a guided tour of how you’re wired, and where you’ve been. We’ll poke the embers of your memory until those dreams burst into flame again. We’ll show you how to achieve the autonomy you want and the flexibility you’ll need to pursue whatever “it” is. More importantly, you’ll have the power of your “why” to fuel your journey. This time you make your own decisions, chart your own course. You can then ensure that all aspects of your life are in harmony with one another. 

  • A fresh start

  • Less dissonance

  • More autonomy

What are you waiting for? Let’s talk.


Our Weird Obsession with Work